Friday, January 17, 2014

The Engagement

Wendi: Where are you?
Me: In the car
Wendi: What's around you?
Me: Darkness, fog, road.
Wendi: Where are you going?
Me: Straight.

I wasn't lying...
So this was the weekend of my engagement.  I knew we were going some place snowy, but I didn't know where.  Josh had given me a Pandora charm (the limited addition 2013 snow flake charm) as a hint on where we would be going as a Christmas gift a few weeks prior.  So after work, on the night of January 10th, 2014, we were off into the darkness and fog.  And when I say darkness and fog, I'm not kidding.  You could barely see a foot in front of your car.  But this isn't about the fog, you want to hear about THE RING (my precious as Josh calls it) and how I got it.

Well fast forward after about 3ish hours of driving and we ended up Deep Creek across from Wisp Mountain.  We pulled into the parking lot of a big house around 10PM.  As we pulled in random people were grabbing stuff out of their cars and going into this house.  I asked Josh if he was sure this is where we check in.  He told me, there is no checking in, this is where we are staying.  I was REALLY confused.  I really thought we were sharing a house with a bunch of strangers (which we kinda were).  I even asked him, "are we sharing a house with a bunch of random people?"  He told me no, it was a bed and breakfast.  Ohhhhhh.... Face Palm!

So, I am really weird about new experiences, and I had never done this whole bed and breakfast thing before.  As we are walking up to the place, I am a solid 5-10 paces behind Josh.  I just felt weird, like I was intruding on someone's house late at night.  We got up to the front door and there was a note left for us with our key.  It told us where to go, and gave us basic information about the place.


As we walk up the stairs to our room on the third floor, I am still far behind Josh.  I still feel like I am sneaking into someone's house at night.  We finally get to our room, the Sang Run room.

I stand back as he opens the door.  I guess I expected a monster to jump out or something.  After we entered the room I became a little more relaxed and this is why...

There was beautiful classical music playing, rose petals laid out on the bed in the shape of a heart, and champagne chilling by the fire.  Out the window was a beautiful view over looking the mountain.  As I was looking around, Josh dropped to one knee and said, "and the real reason why we are here...Tiffany Ann Vranish, will you marry me". (Later I learned he was questioning himself on my middle name *Face Palm*) I told him of course!  To which he handed me the ring (box and all).  To which I handed it back to him and told him...noooo you are suppose to put it on me silly.

And that was only the beginning of the weekend...

The weekend was full of amazing food, massages, and memories.  I can't wait to return to the Lake Pointe Inn to relive these memories, and make more.

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