Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Food Snob

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So...I have to admit, I've become a food snob lately.  How can I help it though?  I'm spoiled.  My fiance cooks for me all the time.  And by cook, I don't mean my version of bake.  He does everything from scratch.  No MSG in his food.  So when I have prepared foods, I make this weird ewwwwy face.  I can taste the chemicals and added sugars and sodium.

Yes, this is my ewwwwy face.

I won't eat at McDonald's or most fast food chains for that matter.  I think their food tastes horrible.  Starbucks lattes are waaaaay too sweet for me, and I have trouble finishing any dessert.

Now don't get me wrong, sometimes I do have craving for things that have no nutritional value at all.  Things that I'm pretty sure aren't even food.  Like Hot Fries.  I loooove Hot Fries.  And when I get a craving for them, I eat them.  While eating them, I wonder why I'm eating them.  They don't taste that great, and have no real food in them, but I want them (I'm pretty sure this is part of my food addiction I am still struggling with). 

I guess...for now... you can call me...a hypocrite.

1 comment:

  1. Me too! Starbucks drinks are too sweet for me as well! I get regular iced or hot medium roast coffee when I go there...I cannot handle the lattes or anything like that...

